Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Light-speed High School

Well, I'm starting to figure out why tabloids make so much money. Let me recap my last story for you.

On Sunday, at around 9:30 PM EST, a post was made on the "infamous" /b/ thread on 4chan, telling people to search up "Justin Bieber syphilis". With the popularity of the /b/ board, and the extreme hatred some people feel towards Justin Bieber, the board managed to get the search term up to #1 on Google Trends (although you won't be able to find it now). So, I stumble on this 2 hours later, and find rumors that CNN, FOX News, ebaumsworld and TMZ, among others, have reported this as true. While I didn't find any mention on TMZ.com or ebaumsworld, it's possible that a TV segment speculating the rumor came up on CNN and FOX.

Now, both Bieber-haters and -lovers were in an uproar. At least 40 questions on Yahoo! Answers were started within an hour of my discovery. Vast amounts of blog posts were made. And the number of visitors on this site doubled in less than an hour.

That's the power of the internet. Now that we've got information going at close to the speed of light over the Internet, it takes that much quicker for rumors to spread. Think of your average high school on Red Bull, speed, and steroids at the same time.

So I guess it'll be a return to tech news for me, now that my "15 minutes of fame" is done. Not that E3 is this week or anything...

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