It has recently come to my attention that there is a little spat going on concerning a person known as "itzlupo" and pretty much the rest of the gaming world. If you aren't following this, let me explain.
Sometime this week, itzlupo was playing Modern Warfare on Xbox Live. He allegedly was being harassed by a mod called "thepro", who has a history of being a bit on the brash side when acting out his powers. Now, Lupo has a very large, if not long, history of being a modder when it comes to Xbox, having a large Youtube library full of mods and even evidenced in a personal Tweet sent to Robert Bowling, taunting him about his ability to mod (I can't get the tweet because iTzLuPo's Twitter account has been deleted.) Lupo was subsequently suspended from Xbox Live by thepro.
So, being a banned modder, he did what any banned modder would do: he whined. He made a video to share with other people and worked up quite a following. Thepro's previous history as a hasty banner helped along the modder a lot.
However, thepro's boss, Stephen Toulouse, stuck up for his deputy, and released a fully unedited video showing thepro being heavily provoked by your average preteen gamer.
However, I still have to come up with a conclusion on this. I was dead set that Lupo was guilty, but there are serious inconsistencies on both sides. On the fully unedited video, it can be seen that Lupo was not in fact the one provoking thepro, but a guy named mmmmmhhhhmmmmmPie (I might have mispelled that). This one mistake puts me in doubt.
However, there are a lot more things counting against Lupo. The fact that he edited the video in the first place does not look good for him. Also, even if he wasn't doing anything when the video was being filmed, Lupo might as well be banned from Xbox Live with all the obvious modding that he's doing. Calling attention to himself might not have been in his best interest. Like Tiger Woods before him, Lupo managed to blow this whole thing wide open, and even if the first incident wasn't actually incriminating, all the videos on his channel certainly are, especially now that he's under Microsoft's radar. Another thing that might not look suspicious, but doesn't sit well with me is his denial of anything bad said about him. I suppose that we all feel this, but it still doesn't sit right. Lupo has deleted his Twitter account as I had mentioned earlier, and it appears that every comment directed towards him on YouTube has to get approved, of which he only selects the "Pro Lupo" comments, portraying him in an unnecessarily positive light. Lastly, he seems to be talking too much about suing Microsoft. What would he be suing them for? The $60 for the one year membership they cost him? Any other expenses that he might have were agreed to when he accepted the Terms of Service. If he ever went to court for this, it would never turn out well for him, since Microsoft could easily sue him for their legal costs if they won the case, which would be disastrous for Lupo, who still attends high school.
So, who won here? Nobody! Thepro didn't win, since he is reportedly suspended (though this might be false), and Lupo definitely didn't win, because now he has 90% of the internet against him. If more information comes up tomorrow, I'll be reporting a final verdict.
It's false. No action was taken against The Pro whatsoever.