Monday, March 1, 2010

PS3 Phale

Even though I try to be open-minded about brand loyalty, the one are where I tend to pick sides happens to be video game consoles. I'm a Microsoft man this time around. Nintendo didn't seem to be trying to compete with the other consoles, and PlayStation was... PlayStation.

That's why I have to laugh at the recent bug in the PS3's system, which caused most of the consoles to stop working for one day.

What happened with the PS3's? Did somebody decide to put a virus in the consoles through the Internet? Is there actually a "kill switch" activated by Sony?

No. It seems that the consoles actually thought that today was not actually March 1st, but February 29th. It would seem that the consoles thought that 2010 was a leap year.

What gets me was that the problem couldn't be an accidental mistake in the syntax. A leap year happens every 4 years. A programmer would just have to tell the console that when you hit a year divisible by 4, then put Feb. 29 in the calendar. That just cannot be mistaken by a computer. No, somebody actually thought that 2010 was a leap year. Since the leap year in 2008 was observed, that just meant that somebody thought that leap years happened every 2 years.

That's not the worst part. Sony likely knew this was a problem. They fixed the problem with the PS3 slims, since the error didn't appear for anybody owning a PS3 slim. While there is some room for doubt, there isn't much.

So Sony, like I told Twitter before you, fix your s**t. If I see that all the PS3 consoles don't work on March 1st, 2014 - or even worse, March 2nd, if you didn't bother to fix the date right now - I will personally b***h slap whoever is in charge of fixing this.


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